Welcome to the new website blog! 

When I moved to Reno, NV at the end of 2020, it was to take care of my elderly uncle and retired dad who wanted to spend his last years with me instead of in Colorado.  Unfortunately, he passed away 3 weeks after I moved into the new house and with only Uncle to care for, I needed a new passion and income from home so I set off to study skin and haircare formulation!  

I also found a passion for more of a rural, homestead lifestyle and started keeping chickens, bees and a garden next to the existing orchard on the property.  Nature and the serenity of country living evolved and grew on me to also study the bees more in depth (apitherapy) and how everything worked together.

In 2023, I went to Romania to continue my deep dive into apitherapy and brought back knowledge on how to implement the benefits of bee products into my skin care!  I feel like this is a game changer in the Indie Beauty Industry and look forward to consulting and making products with bee products for anyone who isn’t allergic.  Don’t worry if you are allergic though, I have a ton of workarounds that I think you will still love!

Here on the Blog page is where you will find regular updates on ingredients I use in formulas, their functions and how they will help improve your skin or hair.  I already have a few favorites that I think will be best sellers!

With two formulation schools I follow on social media and have trained/still training through, industry influencers and ever changing splashy new ingredients that come about, I tend to try things that look interesting that I never knew existed.  I also tend to be drawn to natural herbal remedies along with the bee products that have specific functions for skin conditions that medicinal creams or antibiotics haven’t been working out.

My mom taught me at an early age to “moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!” in the dry, sunny Colorado climate and I’ve never stopped.  Now, desert living has its own unique challenges with dry, dusty ‘breezes’ aka 20mph crosswinds and lots of outside time tending to animals.  Maintaining soft, supple skin and hair at any age (I’m over 50!) shouldn’t be a challenge nor should it cost an arm and a leg!

While my products will not be vegan or organic, they are in the form of the most natural, high-grade oils, butters, emulsifiers and preservatives that you can purchase in the US and thoughtfully prepared for both myself and others.  I’d love to have you sample a product to find something you love and then get you a full sized version to enjoy for a longer period of time!

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to drop a comment or send a message!


Michelle <3